Golf Warm Up Exercises to Prevent Golf Injuries
Are you one of those golfers that rushes to the course, pulls out the BIG DOG, takes a few hacks at it and then starts your round? Is that what you do? Come on be honest with yourself. If so, what was the result on the first tee? I’ll bet it wasn’t what you would have liked it to be? Warm up exercises before getting into a round of golf, and a warm down at the end of your game, help tremendously in reducing the risk of golfer elbow injury, as well as other injuries common to golfers. Golf warm ups ensure that the pressures involved in playing golf are not exerted on cold muscles, which can dramatically increase the chances of all sorts of injury.
Start this routine about 10 minutes before you tee-off. It loses its effect if you spend 15-20 minutes afterwards getting your bag and clubs together. You should be changed and ready to play so that you tee-off within 5 minutes of finishing this warm up.